Identifying one of the most prevalent iconographic conventions of exoticism, Victor Segalen (2002: 13), one of the chief commentators on exoticism, writes: Exoticism is willingly tropical. Colonial Desire: Hybridity in Theory, Culture, and Race. . Direct translation techniques. 131. Situating World Cinema as a Theoretical Problem. This article examines why exoticism is central to thinking about the global dynamics of world cinema and its transnational reception. 120. Tanna, made by the white Australian documentary filmmakers Martin Butler and Bentley Dean in collaboration with the Indigenous community of Tanna island (part of Melanesia) and which won the Audience Award as well as the prize for best cinematography at the Venice Film Festival in 2015, is an apt example.4 Although most critics have described it as a Romeo and Juliet story set in the South Pacific, in terms of its iconography and, indeed, narrative conceit of star-crossed lovers, Tanna betrays far more conspicuous similarities with Murnaus Tabu. That is why, in the words of Fatimah Tobing Rony (1996: 6), the exotic is always already known [] explorers, anthropologists and tourists voyage to foreign places in search of the novel, the undiscovered. 302 0 obj noun. Durham and London: Duke University Press. Rousseau, George, and Roy Porter. Not much Arctic exoticism. Segalens slim volume Essay on Exoticism: An Aesthetics of Diversity was posthumously published and is an unfinished fragment that reflects his impressions of Tahiti and China whereto he travelled between 1902 and 1919. When letters make sounds that aren't associated w One goose, two geese. I will explore how non-Western filmmakers, variously referred to as world cinema, postcolonial and diasporic, exoticise their own cultures, thereby enhancing the transnational appeal of their films. The Fascination of Persia. Galt, Rosalind and Karl, Schoonover (2010). I am, of course, not suggesting that all world cinema filmmakers perform exoticism. It will either spit back whatever it has as The Translation for the source text (in its collective memory), or it is going to use its algorithms to aggregate what it thinks is the safest translation, which I suspect will either be a 0 or a +2 (in that range). If you were to imagine a range of translation options from -2 to 0 to +2, -2 might be a translation that is as close or loyal as possible to the German source text. The fact that Tanna as well as Embrace of the Serpent, which is set in the Amazon, were made in collaboration with Indigenous communities, who are credited with being the chief creative impetus and co-creators of these films, makes them not only politically correct but, arguably, also examples of self-exoticisation. Of special importance is Edward Saids description of Orientalism as a discursive construction of European fantasies. The visual pleasure afforded by exotic cinemas sumptuous style is arguably the chief vehicle that allows world cinema to travel and be understood, or misunderstood, as the case may be, by transnational audiences who are potentially disadvantaged by a hermeneutic deficit of culturally specific knowledge when trying to understand films from outside their own cultural sphere. Offering a theoretical discussion of exoticism, alongside the closely related concepts of autoethnography and cultural translation, the article proposes that exoticism is a particular mode of aesthetic perception that is simultaneously anchored in the filmic text and elicited in the spectator in the process of transnational reception. For the twenty-first century, the experience of the exotic frequently thrives on an imitation of a ritual presumed to be authentic, involving an act of mimicry whose comic potential is easily glazed over. <> Definition of exoticism in the dictionary. Island Dreaming: The Contemplation of Polynesian Paradise. endobj However, the date of retrieval is often important. Lu, Sheldon Hsiao-peng (1997). cat. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, pp. Translation Studies 4 (1), pp. The cultural translation of world cinema corresponds with the de- and recontextualization of the exotic, whose alluring alterity only manifests itself when it is perceived by someone belonging to a different cultural sphere. According to David Damrosch (2003: 175), works become world literature by being received into the space of a foreign culture, a space defined in many ways by the host cultures national tradition and the present needs of its own writers. Rather than conceiving of world literature as a canon of foreign literary masterpieces, Damrosch describes it as a mode of transnational circulation and reception that gains in translation. The Guardian, 21 January. Preparing for your Cambridge English exam? find that literal translation would result in awkward or unnatural translation. The film was shot in the classic three-strip Technicolor process to achieve a richness of reds and yellows no longer visible in Hollywood cinema which abandoned the three-strip Technicolor camera in 1954. 1839, in English. <> Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes, Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. 6}letBlT%kF6p. Berghahn, 2017: 29). For some words, like "table", gender is fixed. Literal translation. In. Leiden circa 1630: Rembrandt Emerges, (Agnes Ethering Art Centre, Kingston ON; Art Gallery of Alberta, Edmonton AB; MacKenzie Gallery, Regina SK; Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton ON; Vereniging van Nederlandse Kunsthistorici, Saul in Story and Tradition (Series Forschungen Zum Alten Testament), Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art vol. Such a translation would emphasize that the text was written in German and would use such exoticisms lavishly. Hou Hsiao-hsiens first foray into the wuxia genre, The Assassin, deftly illustrates this. It is not suitable for many language pairs . no longer supports Internet Explorer. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. La Isla de Borneo evoca un poderoso exotismo. Khoo, Olivia (2007). When I was studying at university in Germany (Germersheim), my professors often emphasized this point. In: Rosalind, Galt and Karl, Schoonover, eds., Global Art Cinema: New Theories and Histories. If we concur with Chow, then world cinema can never give a true or authentic representation of China, India, Africa or other cultures, since centuries of European cultural hegemony have conditioned non-Western filmmakers to see themselves through Western eyes. Although the encounter with the strange and unfamiliar is one of the principal fascinations that world cinema affords transnational audiences, it invariably triggers the reflex to recover the strange as familiar (Nichols, 1994: 18), or to use the term I introduced in relation to the exotic, to domesticate it. c}_i_3F)16=j. The term world cinema has been coined in analogy to Goethes conceptualisation of Weltliteratur (world literature) by which he meant not only foreign literature, but also the reception of domestic literature abroad as well as his own literary translations (Birus, 2004). 268-284, "Introduction: Global Art History and the Netherlands". In: Sheldon, Hsiao-peng Lu, ed., Transnational Chinese Cinemas: Identity, Nationhood, Gender. phil., Royal Holloway. Bradshaw, Peter (2016). Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. The Hollywood Reporter, Performing Exoticism, Autoethnography and Cultural Translation,,,,, I seek to show that through vision and touch, and the proximity of objects to bodies in domestic environments, goods from all over the world become part of the material culture of the seventeenth-century Netherlands. Literal translation is your straightforward word-for-word translation. endobj Films like Tanna, Embrace of the Serpent, Three Seasons, The Scent of Green Papaya and numerous other exotic films referenced in this essay are easily accessible in terms of their narrative and historical background to transnational audiences. The attempt by the age of Enlightenment to study and describe the vast number of different peoples of this earth was thus soon reduced to a mere interest in costume and other extrinsic markers of otherness, which were eagerly displayed in the European homelands. BIBLIOGRAPHY Clarke, Roger (2016). Now, in a remarkable reversal of fortune, it is the West that points out what is outstanding and characteristically Chinese in artworks from China. (2000). While world cinema includes popular genre films like Bollywood and Nollywood melodrama or Hong Kong action films, global art cinema does not. Accessed 1 May. Birus, Hendrik (2004). Although her martial arts skills are unsurpassed, on several occasions, her heart blocks her from completing her deadly assignments. The meaning of EXOTICISM is the quality or state of being exotic. The Postcolonial Exotic: Marketing the Margins. Notes on Painterly Narrative in the Early Work of Rembrandt, The Odalisque. I think it depends on the context and situation. A +2 translation. In: Isabel, Santaolalla, ed., New Exoticisms: Changing Patterns in the Construction of Otherness. Preparing for your Cambridge English exam? More than a century of ethnographic research profoundly supports the theory of cultural relativity, the theory that, Benedict, Ruth Raise the Red Lantern is set in the 1920s and tells the story of Songlian (Gong Li), a nineteen-year-old girl who is forced by her stepmother to marry the much older Master Chen after her father dies and her family goes bankrupt. Your current browser may not support copying via this button. In short, it turns cultural difference into a form of commodity fetishism. He was following in the footsteps of the painter Paul Gauguin, whose colourful paintings of semi-nude Polynesian women against the backdrop of lush tropical scenery have shaped the Western imagination of the Polynesian islands. In: Sheldon, Hsiao-peng Lu, ed., Transnational Chinese Cinemas: Identity, Nationhood, Gender. New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, pp. Experience the exoticism of the Medina of Marrakech. As I have demonstrated elsewhere (Berghahn, 2017), contemporary world cinema offers numerous examples of how exoticism is harnessed to new ethico-political agendas and a diverse range of humanitarian and ecological issues that have nothing in common with exoticisms tainted colonial legacy. The Assassin Review Captivatingly Hypnotic, If Impenetrable, Wuxia Tale. Out of the ordinary: ways of saying that something is unusual (2), Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2023. The same holds true for world cinema, which must travel from its site of origin and be watched by audiences originating from different nations, regions or cultures. But needless to say, the individual human decision will not be made to use exoticisms and be in the -1 to -2 range. The Family Romance of Orientalism: From Madame Butterfly to Indochine. The emphasis exoticism places on sumptuous images and visual splendour shifts the attention from the films deeper meaning (such as specific historical events, social conventions and interactions articulated in the narrative) to the surface which not only shines but glosses, which looks, stares, and speaks (Chow, 1995: 150).5 Nowhere is this shift from the semantic core to surface appearance more apparent than in the films of Zhang Yimou which literally burst with bold saturated colours, a hallmark of his voluptuous visual style that is also emphasised in the titles of his films Hong Gao Liang (Red Sorghum, Zhang Yimou, China, 1987) and Raise the Red Lantern, and carefully composed painterly tableaus that invite audiences to feast their eyes on opulent interiors as well as on the enchanting beauty of Gong Li, the poster girl of Fifth Generation Chinese films (Khoo, 2007: 1) and first actress in the post-Maoist period to gain global recognition. (LogOut/ The question is, when are you more loyal to one or the other. You can subscribe via RSS 2.0 feed to this post's comments. Marks, Laura U. In fact, Nichols compares the festivalgoers experience with that of an anthropological fieldworker (and tourist), who becomes submerged in an experience of difference, entering strange worlds, hearing unfamiliar languages, witnessing unusual styles (Nichols, 1994: 17). London: Macmillan. This prominent ethnic stereotype, which readily homogenises Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese and other Asian women, is instantly legible as exotic. 1986. Ron Shapiro (2000: 41) sums up the pejorative attitude, prevalent in particular amongst postcolonial scholars, with acerbic cynicism: To speak of the exotic [] is to condone all manner of European imperialisms and colonialisms, and to deliberately condemn the so-called sub-altern to continued misery. Yet he is actually one of the relatively few defendants of exoticism and argues that exoticism is not necessarily false and evil (42) but has a rightful place as an imaginary construction of the Other, or indeed the Self as Other, because politics and the imagination need to be kept separate. Encompassing global art cinema as well as popular genre films and their transnational reception, world cinema is an amorphous and critically versatile concept that invites contestation and debate. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. As exotic goods and materials become part of the domestic environment, global goods gain local meanings, and simultaneously bestow new layers of meaning on the material culture of the early modern Netherlands. The encounter with the exotic Other has traditionally been imagined as a re-awakening of the senses that have been dulled by the repetitive humdrum of modernity (cf. 1. 1640. Prostitution and the exploitation of countless women, children, and some men are side effects of exoticisms tendency toward aesthetic abstraction and voyeuristic commodification of its participating actors. The exotic first emerged as a concept in Western history when European nations began to explore and appropriate far-flung parts of the world. In most contemporary exotic films, visual pleasure is combined with haptic visuality (Marks, 2000), denoting a particular type of embodied perception that invokes memories of touch, with other forms of synaesthesia (the perception of one sensation by another modality) and intermodality (the linking of sensations from different domains) in order to reproduce the multi-sensory pleasure that has conventionally been associated with exoticism. Social Text, 15, pp. Galt and Schoonover, 2010: 327. They allow transnational audiences to domesticate the foreign by integrating it into the established aesthetic paradigm of exoticism, which has evolved over many centuries and has been made subservient to shifting ideological and political agendas. The Skin of the Film: Intercultural Cinema, Embodiment, and the Senses. "Exoticism 285-304. I should like to thank Montage av: Zeitschrift fr Theorie und Geschichte audiovisueller Medien for granting me permission to publish my article Exotismus im World Cinema und die transnationale Rezeption, originally published in German in issue 28 (1) (2019), pp. The Persian-European Dialogue in Seventeenth-Century Art & Contemporary Art of Teheran, Rembrandt and everyday life: the fusion of genre and history, in Arthur J. DiFuria, ed., Genre Imagery in Early Modern Northern Europe: New Perspectives, London and New York: Routledge: An Ashgate Book, 2016, 161-182. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. xZr}WSj*n@o8N$Xm^R>#V.=Z*^f14O r#fh!3R6b41B{)cP;[%f-u s.Qy']y30&>J;e3ocQ5w5#Nka\TYZ?}uZH6 wg]ls^Zmm You can email a link to this page to a colleague or librarian: The link was not copied. Structural or Syntactic Calque This is the product of an erroneous connection between the elements of a phrase or a sentence: it introduces a new construction into the language. Although this kind of cultural translation has, historically, been the domain of ethnography, it is by no means restricted to the scientific discourse on cultural difference. Mark Lee Pin Bins cinematography has been praised for its matchless compositional artistry (Bradshaw, 2016) and Wen-Ying Huangs production design for the visual extravagance of Oriental fantasies illuminated by brightly colored silk robes [] and sensual atmosphere (Young, 2015) (Figure 3). Citation: Studies in World Cinema 1, 2 (2021) ; 10.1163/26659891-01020001. Tannese children and the star-crossed lovers frolicking amid ferns and fronds and a native heralding a call to all villagers on conch shell are further references to what can be regarded as the cinematic Urtext of the South Sea genre (cf. The fact that nineteenth-century photographs of indigenous people wearing the clothes of their colonial masters now strike us as more exotic than early photographs of nonwesternized, indigenous communities reminds us that exotic fantasies entail a contrast of, and hierarchy between, two different cultures, controlled by the Western point of view. Exoticism demonstrates itself in colorful spectacles of otherness purporting to be an unmediated expression of natural drives and instincts. 327. Ungarn Jahrbuch. The demand of the nineteenth century for information about non-European peoples gave rise to numerous cheap reproductions of ethnographic drawings. Entirely apart from the plot, there is the sensuous pleasure of the architecture, the fabrics, the color contrasts, the faces of the actresses.. Offering a theoretical discussion of exoticism, alongside the closely related concepts of autoethnography and cultural translation, it proposes that the exotic gaze is a particular mode of aesthetic perception that is simultaneously anchored in the filmic text and elicited in the spectator in the process of transnational reception. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. This article aims to make a contribution to this urgent critical endeavour, not by mapping the various critical debates that surround the concept of world cinema, but, instead, by exploring the role exoticism plays in the transnational reception of world cinema. 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? Therefore, that information is unavailable for most content. I would like to here. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Likewise, we only need to consider Apichatpong Weerasethakuls films, whose radical alterity makes them extremely enigmatic, if not utterly perplexing for global audiences, to appreciate that they lack two essential characteristics of exoticism: firstly, their extreme Otherness precludes domestication, that is, integration into a familiar system of aesthetic and conceptual reference points and, secondly, they are largely devoid of the visual and sensuous allure that is a hallmark of exotic cinema. This period also engendered a taste for the rich costumes of the Orient, the main geographic location of Enlightenment fantasies about the exotic. However, the relationship between realist and exoticist modes of representation is more complicated and they are not mutually exclusive. That is why exoticism has also been conceptualised as a form of cultural translation, namely the process by which one culture tries to make sense of another and not just their foreign language, but also their traditions, rituals and their entire way of life. endobj Saids study of Europes most enduring exotic fantasies about the Middle East set the beginning for other postcolonial interrogations of romanticized projections of the cultural other by which the West continues to assert its superiority. ) |{)yQmiN,ax ,sT'NuX0%vV*8}i `Xus$LuY,mz@@^t\Dsw An experience where the exoticism and passion speak the same language. Exoticism in translation refers to using words or phrases which sound "exotic" in the translated language, because they are of foreign origin. 4149. . Negra, Diane (2002). Forsdick, Charles (2003). "Jan van Vliet and Rembrandt van Rijn: Their Collaboration Reassessed", in: S. Dickey (ed., "Exoticism Insights and Discoveries, Amsterdam 2017, pp. a person, an institution, an animal, a plant etc.) Similarly, exoticism, though a prevalent interpretative model in the transnational reception of world cinema, competes with other ones, such as those which, indebted to Fredric Jamesons influential but controversial essay Third-World Literature in the Era of Multinational Capitalism (1986), conceive of world cinema in terms of national (or political) allegory. Good stuff. The translations of exoticism from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word exoticism in English. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, cannot guarantee each citation it generates. It adopts a cultural perspective that is firmly entrenched in the conventions and belief systems of Western civilization and therefore constructs the East as the archetypical location of otherness. Cultural Translation, Cosmopolitanism and the Void. 49 0 obj London and New York: Wallflower Press, pp. Ebert, Roger (1992). Kabbani, Rana. "Exoticism This is why I also think that Google Translate is not a perfect solution for translation at a professional level. The film premiered at the 1991 Venice Film Festival, where it won the Silver Lion and was subsequently nominated for the Academy Awards. Offering Tales they Want to Hear: Transnational European Film Funding as Neo-Orientalism. endobj 1995. Exotismus in den Niederlanden der Fruhen Neuzeit, Exotica on the Move: Birds of Paradise in Early Modern Holland, Domesticating Goods from Overseas: Global Material Culture in the Early Modern Netherlands, Rembrandt and his Time - through Hungarian Eyes. Moreover, its transnational appeal is usually part of a deliberate strategy which non-Western filmmakers deploy to pander to the tastes and expectations of Western critics and audiences. Ruth Fulton Benedict (18871948), originator of the configurational approach to culture, was a mature woman when she en, Culture areas are geographical territories in which characteristic culture patterns are recognizable through repeated associations of specific traits, Exoteric-Esoteric (Kenmitsu) Buddhism in Japan, Expanded Food Nutrition and Education Program, Expanding Educational Opportunities for the Masses,, Transculturation and Religion: An Overview. This imaginary, however, dates back much further. Film Quarterly,47 (3), pp. History Against this background, contemporary world cinema and the global film festival circuit, its prime site of exhibition, can be understood as a new type of contact zone, which Mary Louise Pratt has famously theorised in the colonial context as the intercultural space of symbolic exchange and transculturation, catering for cosmopolitan cinephiles and their interest in cultural difference. Although exoticism is associated with notions of animality, it carefully distances itself from the violence and exploitation that characterize the related concept of barbarism. Another Examples of Exoticism Exoticism in Translation Lost in Translation: Exoticism in Early Modern Holland Claudia Swan Whilecontent andlanguageformacertain unityinthe original,like afruit andits skin,the languageofthe translationenvelopsits content likearoyal robe with amplefolds.For it signifiesamoreexalted languagethan itsown andthusremains unsuited to itscontent, overpowering andalien. Get ready with Test&Train, the online practice tool from Cambridge.Build your confidence with hundreds of exam questions with hints, tips and instant feedback. The mobility of early modern people, ideas and things, and the networks they created and relied on, facilitated flows of material and immaterial interactions. 'x6cB2 `Me * However, to reserve this right for native critics and scholars would constitute a form of cultural essentialism that ultimately defeats world cinemas main attraction, namely, to offer windows onto other worlds. Racial Attitudes and Exoticism in the Old English 'Wonders of the East' The flare of recent racial tensions, especially in the wake of the Trump administration's xenophobic rhetoric, has had repercussions in Charlottesville and across the United States. London and New York: Routledge. 1229. The Assassin vibrant colours and painterly image compositions convey sensual pleasure. not native within the linguistic boundaries of the community adopting it. Keywords: modulation, naturalness, equivalence Introduction It has been understood by translators that translating a text is not just a matter of finding the correct words in the TL, and using the correct TL grammar. These features jointly contribute to the films impenetrability which, in turn, engenders a sense of enigma that amplifies its exotic allure by confirming the belief that the Other can never be fully fathomed. VW left that word in its ad in English to emphasize that the car is German, and to give the reader (or listener) the notion of something unusual and exotic, to underline that the car is made in Germany, and thus has great engineering, etc. Huggan, Graham (2001). Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes, Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. The most critically acclaimed examples of global art cinema demonstrate that an aesthetics of sensuous indulgence, which combines visual pleasure with haptic visuality, effectively compensates for the hermeneutic deficit that occurs when films are watched across borders. <> International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Rembrandt and the Dutch Golden Age (exh. Terms and Conditions |Privacy Statement | Cookie Settings |Accessibility | Legal Notice. Nagib, Lcia (2020). 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. 2. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Nichols, Bill (1994). Introduction: The Impurity of Art Cinema. 3. anything exotic, as a foreign word or idiom. | All rights reserved. The fascinating story behind many people's favori Test your vocabulary with our 10-question quiz! Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media, 14, pp. Loosely plotted around one of Disneylands hoariest theme-park rides (which, even after recent updates, still teems with faux savagery and denatured, Her affinity for combining chinoiserie, Moghul-style flowers, and Provenal accents surfaces subtly, giving the rooms a whiff of, Bhutan has often been ranked as one of the worlds happiest countries, and WeCroak seems to be trading on a casual, Puertas assemblages, with their fake tropical greenery, faux fur, lace, rhinestones and sexualized forms, represent the, There's no trace of her Asian background or even the, For decades, Bollywood movies, at least when they were released here, had an undeniable, The earliest pictures here, dating from the 19th century and taken of Indigenous North Americans by non-Native photographers, emphasize. In these films, the preparation and consumption of food functions as a signifier of alterity. Mulvey, Laura (1975). London and New York: Routledge. Rubensbulletin V (2014), pp. 27 Apr. The Postcolonial Exotic: Marketing the Margins. To be sure, in addition to their visual allure, the exoticism of Raise the Red Lantern and several other of Zhangs films also rests on established narrative tropes, notably that of the exotic-erotic-enigmatic Asian woman, frequently represented as a concubine, geisha, prostitute or simply the suffering wife of a much older oppressive husband. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Yet rather than challenging the unequal power hierarchies implied in the ethnographers act of looking, in which non-Western cultures are invariably the object of the gaze, Fifth Generation Chinese filmmakers actively replicate the state of being looked at in their films (Chow, 1995: 180). Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. 303 0 obj They conjure up ideas of a bountiful nature, fertility, and uninhibited sexuality. For a theorisation of global art cinema, cf. ), The Ashgate Research Companion to Dutch Art of the Seventeenth Century, London 2016, pp. This usually takes two forms: either discovering a common humanity that transcends cultural differences or recognising aesthetic forms and patterns familiar from European art cinema in world cinema. 115. Una experiencia donde el exotismo y la pasin hablan el mismo lenguaje. 618. Goethes Idee der Weltliteratur. Did Rembrandt plan a substantial series of reproductive engravings and did he make a series of oil sketches especially for that purpose? Framegrab. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and Transculturation. But at the same time, it is (like world cinema) a travelling concept that depends on mobility and the crossing of cultural boundaries to come into being. The word exotic was first introduced into the English language in 1599, meaning alien, introduced from abroad, not indigenous. Raise the Red Lantern Review. This article evaluates whether Lawrence Venuti's translation approach of "foreignisation" is likely to achieve his stated go al: translations that can resist cultural dominance.
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exoticism in translation 2023